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Mxteam > Infos générales Multi-Cross et Tout-Terrain > Off Road et banderoles
Exuse me, i'm not able to write in French. I'm writing from Italy. Next summer (in August) I will stay in France for 3 or 4 weeks. I will stay in ST. Dizier for job. My question is : it is possible for me to come in France with my KTM and on Sunday ride in somewhere ?

I saw the MX circuit in Vallecourt. But I don't know if there is near st Dizier a site to ride with My KTM 250 EXC. Also, I don't know what and where is possible to ride. It is necessary to have some special permission ?

Merci de votre reponse.
A bientot.

Who can answer??? huh.gif
... well I try!... in english!

so welcome Michele and very happy to have a foreigner on the forum... the first! smile.gif
You'll stay in St Dizier in "Haute Marne" (52) in Champagne??
If yes, I think you can go in France with your KTM whitout problem! But the better solution is to contact a motoclub in the region or local riders for riding with you on the good way...
I hope that some guys of this area will give you good informations.
I ask the question in french and in the other forum of the region "Champagne"
I hope my answer could help you in a first time...

see you later on the forum! wink.gif
Bon en Français maintenant...

Rigolez pas si vous trouvez mon english pas très bon!!! tongue.gif
Ceux qui peuvent renseigner Michele peuvent le faire...

En résumé, Michele est Italien et va venir en France à St Dizier, en Champagne je pense..., et demande si il peut amener sa KTM pour rouler! Terrains de cross ou chemins dans la région!

J'éspère qu'il y a des bons gars du coin qui pourront l'aider et éventuellement le guider...

Si c'est votre cas, mettez vos réponses ici même en français, on essaie de faire au mieux!

Merci pour lui!
eh jj ça s'arrose le premier anglais sur le forum!!!!!!!!!
QUOTE (MICHELE @ May 5 2004, 00:03 )
Exuse me, i'm not able to write in French. I'm writing from Italy. Next summer (in August) I will stay in France for 3 or 4 weeks. I will stay in ST. Dizier for job. My question is : it is possible for me to come in France with my KTM and on Sunday ride in somewhere ?

I saw the MX circuit in Vallecourt. But I don't know if there is near st Dizier a site to ride with My KTM 250 EXC. Also, I don't know what and where is possible to ride. It is necessary to have some special permission ?

Merci de votre reponse.
A bientot.


Hi Michele,

Your welcome on MxTeam!

It's possible to ride in the north easily.


MARNE (51) :

Barbonne-Fayel : 0326802003
Mourmelon : 0326680908 or 0612400934
Chalon en champagne : 0610625618
St just Sauvage : 0681440031
Hermonville : 0326853372
Fresnes les reims : 0326976067
Cuis cramant : 0326872042
Moiremont : 0681528223
Nogent l'abbesse : 0326032009
Poix : 0326705222
Sermaize les bains : 0326732472
Larzicourt : 0326726663
Vitry courdemanges : 0326721851
Savigny sur ardres : 0326594193
Poulangy : 0325031725
Wassy : 0683116725
Voisey : 0325907233

MEUSE (55) :

St mihiel : 0611754702
Montiers sur saulx : 0329896737
Verdun : 0329843134
Valcourt : 0325561298

If you want to make some enduros, you can phone at :

Ronde nordique : 0254830800
La Transfrance or Ronde du maroil or Le raid des 5 piliers : 0320598743

see you soon
ya 1 cross pa mal juste à coté de St Dizier, c'est Valcourt.
hey michele, you can ride almost everywhere in France, you just have to find a way, that will be easy if you ride with some french people that you will meet in St Dizier. So I don't think there is any problem with your KTM exept maybe with your licence, you have to learne about that before comming. but i think there wont be any problem with the Europe,there are no border.
well I hope you'll enjoy your stay in France and that you'll can ride this good bike!!lol (the same as me!)
la vache tout le monde parle americain wink.gif biggrin.gif
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