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On dirait que la guerre entre Loungo et les Teams soit en voie de pacification, ce qui est une bonne nouvelle pour l'avenir des GP M1 & MX2!

En gros;
La saison sera limitée à 15 GPX dont 2 au maximum oversea
Indemnité pour les les GP oversea
Des bonus pour les teams au classement final des chpts
Une unité médicale et assistance gratuites pour les pilotes
Des frais qui ne seront plus payant pour les pilotes et les teams...

En contre partie, ils se sont mis d'accord pour que les accès paddock soient payant, 5 euros pour le public afin de financer tout çà!! (pas trop cool!)

Pas d'infos sur les primes des pilotes (ce qui était un des problèmes récurrents!).
Au final, les deux parties semblent satisfaitent de ces avancées et surtout d'avoir renouer le dialogue!

Volà le communiqué officiel:
Youthstream and the MX Teams agree and commit for stability
- press release -

This year the MX paddock and the promoter Youthstream had some difficult moments. During the year many discussions went ahead on how to improve the conditions for the teams and riders.

Lately Youthstream and the Mxtag Teams have decided to make a big step towards a better relationship and understanding.

Both parties are happy to announce that substantial progress has been made and they have agreed on the following:

Effective for the season 2006 and further:

1. To limit the number of GP to a maximum of 15 rounds per year, including a maximum of 2 overseas rounds.
2. To supply the Teams with an extra help for the overseas GPs with a freight package of 300 kg in addition to the travel indemnity of 3.000,00€ for the top 15 riders in both MX1 and MX2 classes.
3. YS is offering a Teams bonus program for the final FIM MX1 & MX2 World Championship classifications as follows: 1st position 20.000€, 2nd position 10.000€, 3rd position 8.000€, 4th position 7.000€, 5th position 5.000€.
4. Power supply and TV signal to be supplied free of charge to riders, Teams and industry partners (living camper area and paddock).
5. The supply of a professional mobile medical unit and assistance provided at all GP’s at no charge for the riders, teams and industry partners.

The Teams have accepted to have the paddock access for the public to be charged at a suggested price of 5,00€. The funds collected will help YS to partially finance these above costs.

From now on, the Teams will name three Team managers to represent all teams status (factory and private) to continue dialogue and partnership with YS and the FIM during a minimum of three official meetings per season.

“I’m happy for this great news”, said Gerard Valat the representative of the Mxtag teams “This is a great step from Youthstream which demonstrates open minds solved problems. I want to thanks Mr. Luongo, this will definitively help the participants and will bring a better atmosphere in the paddock”.

The President of Youthstream, Mr. Giuseppe Luongo, said, “It’s also a pleasure to finally have an open dialogue with teams and that a large majority of people involved in Motocross realize the improvements that have been made. The Teams are a big part of the show and I’m glad that we can now help them with more benefits”.
mouai...pkoi pas
dry.gif ça reste encore moyen quand même mais bon peut etre faut il etre patient ça va surement venir
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